A terrier named Max luxuriously lives with his owner Katie in Manhattan, hanging out with tabby catChloe, pug Mel, dachshund Buddy, and budgerigar Sweet Pea. One day, Katie adopts Duke, a large and shaggy dog from the pound, leaving Max jealous because of her larger focus on Duke. Enraged by Max's attitude towards him, Duke tricks Max into travelling far into the city, and they are attacked by a feral cat gang in an alley, led by Sphynx cat Ozone. The cats remove Max and Duke's collars and the dogs are caught by Animal Control. Duke fears that he will be put down if he goes back to the pound.
They are rescued by a rabbit named Snowball, the leader of "The Flushed Pets", a cult who hates humans because its members were abandoned and mistreated by them. After Max and Duke pretend to despise humans as much as they do, the Flushed Pets invite them to join. To prove their loyalty, they must agree to be bitten by a one-fanged viper, but they accidentally kill it. Snowball learns from the cats from the alley that Max and Duke are domesticated, and the duo inadvertently escapes to Brooklyn during the ensuing confusion. Snowball vows to kill them and sets off.
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